Monday, 25 March 2013

25/03/2013 - When? 2 (**)

This puzzle is rated 2 star (medium).


Nine days ago, the day before yesterday was three weeks before a party.

If it is Sunday, what day of the week is the party on?

Check the solutions page for the correct answer.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

21/03/2012 - Countdown (**)

This puzzle is rated 2 star (medium).

Here in the UK there is a TV programme called "Countdown".  Countdown is primarily about creating words from randomly chosen letters, but there is a couple of rounds based around numeracy.  Basically the contestant picks a random set of numbers and using only the numbers a maximum of 1 time and the operations add, subtract, multiply and divide he has to make a total.

Sometimes these are hard to get...

Using the rules of Countdown outlined above to make 446 using the numbers 100, 6, 2, 8, 9 and 5.

Check the solutions page for the correct answer.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

20/03/2013 - Dominoes 2 (**)

This puzzle is rated 2 star (medium).


Use above and imagine (or use) 4 dominoes labelled 6:6, 6:2, 2:5, 3:1, 1:5, 4:6, 5:6, 3:3 and 2:1.

Place the dominoes 6:6, 6:2, 2:5, 3:1, 1:5, 4:6, 5:6, 3:3 and 2:1, so that the correct numbers are covered by the dominoes.

Check the solutions page for the correct answer.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

19/03/2013 - Alphamaths (**)

This puzzle is rated 2 star (medium).



  1. A is one-third of C and one-quarter of G
  2. G is ten lower than H
  3. H is double the value of F, but four lower than B
  4. B is six higher than D
  5. D is double the value of E
  6. the value of E is lower than G
From the following six clues, find the values of the letters A to H. Each letter contains a different whole number in the range 1-30.

Check the solutions page for the correct answer.

Monday, 18 March 2013

18/03/2013 - Strawberry Picking (*)

This puzzle is rated 1 star (easy).


A gardener planted a row of 10 strawberry plants in his garden, setting them exactly 1 m apart.

Each plant produced just one strawberry.

When picking time came, the stupid gardener placed a basket 1 m from the end of the row, and then proceeded to pick and carry each strawberry to the basket one by one.

How far did the gardener have to walk when picking his strawberries?

Check the solutions page for the correct solution.

Sunday, 17 March 2013

17/03/2013 - Four Times Table (*)

This puzzle is rated 1 star (easy).


For this puzzle you need to know your 4 times table.

The sequence is 4 + 8 + 12 + 16, etc (adding multiples of 4).  Giving totals of 4, 12, 24, 40, etc.

What is the first number past 200 that you reach?

Check the solutions page for the correct answer.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

16/03/2013 - Sponsored Walk (**)

This puzzle is rated 2 star (medium).


Harry recently went on a Sponsored Walk to raise funds for new equipment at the local Hospital.  His sponsor form looked like this:
Sponsor's NameAmount
Per km
Fat Freda10p
Dim Jim15p
Tall Tanya£3
Silly Cilla5p
Albert Bodge£2.50
Roland Heap20p
Nice Nigel£4.50
Merlin Shriek20p
Carol Singer25p

Altogether Harry collected £22.00 from his sponsors. 

How far did he walk?

Check the solutions page for the correct answer.

Friday, 15 March 2013

15/03/2013 - Alpha-numbers (*)

This puzzle is rated 2 star (easy).


Write out the numbers 1 to 20 (inclusive) in order, as words.

When placing these numbers in alphabetical order, how many numbers remain in their original position?

Check the solutions page for the correct answer.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

13/03/2013 - Old News (***)

This puzzle is rated 3 star (hard)


A newspaper is printed on 8 large sheets of paper that are laid on top of each other and folded in half. 

This means that the newspaper has 32 pages altogether.
The first sheet contains pages 1, 2, 31 and 32.


I pick up a sheet containing page 25. What are the other pages that this sheet contains?

Check the solutions page for the correct answer.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

12/03/2013 - How Many Triangles 3 (**)

This puzzle is rated 2 star (medium).


Make sure you can clearly see the image shown above.

How many triangles are there in the shape shown above?

Check the solutions page for the correct answer.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

07/03/2013 - True Number (**)

This puzzle is rated 2 star (medium).


I am thinking of a 6-digit number. The sum of the digits is 43. 

And only two of the following three statements about the number are true: 

  1. It's a square number,
  2. It's a cube number, and
  3. The number is under 500000.

What is the number?

Check the solutions page for the correct answer.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

06/03/2013 - Four 4s (10-19) (**)

This puzzle is rated 2 star (medium).


During this puzzle you can only use the following mathematical functions:
  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division
  • Decimal point
  • Square-root
  • Brackets
  • Power (e.g. 4 to the power 4 is 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 = 256)
  • The number of 4 exactlyf 4 times.
Using only the mathematical functions and the number 4 (EXACTLY 4 times) construct the numbers from 10 to 19.

Check the solutions page for the correct answer.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

05/03/2013 - Adding It Wrong! (**)

This puzzle is rated 2 star (medium).


This is an additional table that seems to follow a different pattern.

Work out the missing number.

Check the solutions page for the correct answer.

Monday, 4 March 2013

04/03/2013 - How Much? (**)

This puzzle is rated 2 star (medium).


Brian was about to pay £12 for a number of cakes, but then the baker decided two throw two extra ones in for free, because they were so little.

By adding the two extra cakes the cakes now cost one pound a dozen less than when Brian was about to pay.

Tell now how many eggs she received for her twelve cents?

Check the solutions page for the correct answer.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

03/03/2013 - Weighing the Baby (***)

This puzzle is rated 3 star (hard).


A the mother weighs 100 pounds more than the combined weight of the baby and the dog, and the dog weighs 60 percent less than the baby?

How much does the baby weigh?

Check the solutions page for the correct answer.

Saturday, 2 March 2013

02/03/2013 - Missing Numbers 2 (**)

This puzzle is rated 2 star (medium).


This is just a straight algebra questions, but there is an easier way to work it out.

X72 + 3Y8 = 47Z

Work out X, Y and Z.

Check the solutions page for the correct answer.

Friday, 1 March 2013

01/03/2013 - What Symbol? (*)

This puzzle is rated 1 star (easy).


Write out the numbers seven and eight, with a space between them.

What mathematical symbol can you put between the seven and the eight, to get a number bigger than seven but smaller than eight?

Check the solutions page for the correct answer.